The LSC Board and Pastors recommend that Ryan Pint be affirmed by church vote to become our Care Pastor on June 16, 2024 by ballot vote immediately after the morning services. Our bylaws require all pastoral positions to be confirmed by vote of the congregation.
As Care Pastor, Ryan would oversee:
As most know, we are short-staffed in pastoral positions currently. Ryan has served as our Pastoral Care Resident and has been a tremendous help to me and to other staff. Under his leadership, our Support Group ministry has grown tremendously. We have seen much inreach and outreach through groups such as Divorce Care, GriefShare, Celebrate Recovery, Fresh Hope, AA and special events.
I cannot lead these ministries, equip lay leaders, and provide all of the counseling for our church. Though at this time this role is part-time, at about 30 hours per week, it would provide the leadership that we need now.
Ryan is qualified for this role:
We love Ryan, Kristin, and the boys and what they have brought to our church. We look forward to fruitful service for many years ahead!