Our South Campus is family friendly, contemporary and worshipful. This large venue features the praise band, vocal praise team, and a practical message for people of all ages and backgrounds. The South Campus offers children's Sunday School from birth through 6th grade, as well as Kids Worship for 1st through 5th grade.
Our office hours are
Monday - Thursday, 8:00am - 4:30pm | Friday, 8:00am - Noon.
The Lodge Church meets at the Grand Lodge on Hwy 370 and 66th in Papillion. The Lodge Church serves the residents and guests of the Grand Lodge, an upscale 55+ living community. It is a beautiful and intimate setting with hymns and great sermons every week.
Join us at 11am this Sunday for worship!
The Tregaron Chapel is a gathering for older adults who love the old hymns and a small congregation. It meets just a few blocks from the South Campus at the Tregaron Apartments clubhouse. This gathering is led by Carl Fletcher.
Join us at 9am this Sunday for worship!