Next Steps

Why is baptism important?

Through baptism we announce our death to our old life, our desire to follow Jesus, and our commitment to the church.  LifeSpring believes that individuals who have trusted in Christ alone for salvation are eligible to be baptized.  We practice the biblical method of believer’s baptism by immersion–the way that Jesus was baptized.  Instead of baptizing babies, we have a parent/baby dedication service twice a year.

Interested in being baptized? Fill out our Next Steps Form below.

Why is church membership important?

  • It’s a testimony to others that you value the local church.
  • It shows that you are accountable to other believers.
  • It allows you to vote on important issues and serve in leadership.
  • It helps the pastors to know who is “all in.”

Go to our Membership page to get started.

Do you want to make an impact on eternity?

When the members of the church work together to point others to Christ, it is a beautiful thing.  That is why we want to help you on this journey and find opportunities to use your unique gifts, skills, talents, and abilities at LifeSpring, in our community, and in the world!

Click on the button below to go to our Serve page to find places where you can serve!

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