Babies-6th Grade

9:30 and 11am on Sundays

If you're planning on bringing your child to LifeSpring for the first time, click the button below to register your child.

RLK Registration

Real Life Kids Events

VBS Volunteer Registration

June 23 - 27  |  8am - 12:30pm Each Day

Register to serve in Vacation Bible School; you will be glad you did!  A great way to meet others, use your gifts and talents, and have a lasting impact on the next generation.  This year we will have a full week of VBS for Completed K-5th graders.

All volunteers' babies - PreK little ones will have a spot in our Preschool classrooms during this week.


VBS 2025  |  Save the Date!

June 23 - 27  |  8:25am - Noon Each Day

Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us.  We can praise God together!  We were made to magnify God!

Eagle Lake Day Camp

July 28 - August 1  |  8:30am - 4pm Each Day

Scholarships available! Contact for more information.

Learn More/Register

At LifeSpring Church, children are a priority.

We prioritize children because we understand they are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3).  As a church, we know that we are developing tomorrow’s leaders by sowing truths into their hearts today.

Children naturally want to know they have a significant purpose in life, and it is our hope to see each child fulfill their God-given purpose.

It is our desire to help each child develop a dynamic, personal relationship with Jesus Christ and see the Holy Spirit work through them as they spread the Gospel to others.

It is our privilege to encourage and equip parents to invest in the next generation
(Proverbs 26:2).  Real Life Kids is a safe and fun environment for kids to grow in their walk with God and others.

Real Life Kids Newsletter

Read the monthly RLK newsletter using the button below.

Read Here

Heavenly Harbor

(Infant - Kindergarten)

Little ones are divided amongst several rooms based on their development stage and age.

They will share in music, Bible story, activities, and centers to "play with a purpose".

Inspiration Island

(1st - 5th Grade)

Each week these ages gather in their classrooms for small group to learn and grow in their knowledge and understanding of Jesus and the Bible using the Gospel Project curriculum.

They will join their peers for large group worship where they will hear, participate, sing, move, and possibly experience an activity that will help them apply the lesson, ending the hour in their small group classrooms and age.

Island 6

(6th Grade)

Sixth graders build relationships and fellowship while being challenged through Bible study.  This study will help them discern the truths of Scripture and apply it, ultimately helping each child know what they believe, why they believe it, and be ready to defend it.

This group also plans additional outings, fellowships, and service projects.

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