How can we live in a way to have the best, blessed life now and rewards in the next life? Don’t say, “Because I’m a Christian.” After all, the religious professionals in Jesus’ day strongly felt that they were more righteous and holy than others—and Jesus called them dens of vipers and unclean tombs.
So, we better consult the Master Teacher, Jesus, and see what he taught. By the way, he’s also the one that we will stand before and evaluate our lives at his Bema seat.
In past kingdoms and current monarchies, dictatorships, and democracies around the world, the king, supreme ruler, or president has authority to set agendas, change policies, exercise executive privilege, and in some countries, decree what the laws of the land will be.
So it is in the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ has been appointed King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He can create the laws of the kingdom. And, he has done just that. He has proclaimed and established the laws of what it means to be right with God in the Kingdom of God. Where do we find the Cliff Notes, compact teachings of Jesus about what it means to be right with God? In one of his sermons. The most famous sermon ever preached was certainly not one of mine, Billy Graham’s, Charles Spurgeon’s, or even the Apostle Peter’s. It is Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount,” recorded in Matthew 5-7.
Topics we’ll cover from the Sermon on the Mount summer series:
Join us beginning Mother’s Day, May 12, as we learn about what righteousness in the Kingdom of God really looks like.
By the way, THANK YOU, LIFESPRING CHURCH FAMILY! So many of you helped out with our recent Summit Conference. You attended; you greeted; you made meals; you hosted college students; you provided transportation and food; you helped with childcare, you gave financially, and you responded with your next “Yes” to God!
I am so grateful.
Pastor Steve