A Word from Pastor Steve

Speak Up for Those Who Cannot

November 1, 2024

Church, let me share a joint message from pastors across the Omaha Metro, both the Heartland Church Network and Within Reach, about the confusing initiatives on the ballot on Election Day.  This is not a political issue; it is a moral one, and pastors have the freedom and obligation to speak about this without violating any IRS rules.  Here is the statement:


We believe no party or candidate has a monopoly on Kingdom values, but we have a unique opportunity here in Nebraska to vote on two opposing non-partisan constitutional amendments on the ballot regarding abortion.  Planned Parenthood is behind one.  And they want the constitution to guarantee a right to abortion until nine months.  Their initiative would remove all laws regarding how abortion is done or safety of women.  It would remove the right of a woman to receive an ultrasound.  It would allow young girls to get abortions without parental consent, and it would prevent our lawmakers from making any laws related to abortion.  It would result in massive numbers of babies dying and thousands of women having personal related tragedies – both physical and mental.  Why would they do this?  Money.  If abortion is legal, wild, and unregulated, they make a load of money.  You can guarantee that they will pack the airwaves with deceptive ads.

The pro-life forces are presenting another constitutional amendment that bans abortion after 12 weeks (except in cases of medical emergencies, rape and incest).  It does not guarantee a right to abortion, in the first trimester, but it does prevent it in the second and third.  Further, it keeps our laws on parental consent, ultrasounds and safer medical conditions.  It isn’t a perfect law for those of us who oppose abortion at any age, but it is way, way better than the Planned Parenthood laws.

The law is that the one that gets the most votes – over 50% wins.  So we need to vote YES to the good one and NO to the bad one.  A double no or double yes does not help.  There will be tons of ads you’ll see in the next four weeks that are completely confusing.  Even the ballot is confusing.  So we want to help with clarity.  We encourage you to vote FOR 434 and AGAINST 439.  Remember this phrase “We are FOR 4-3-4.”  And we say, “Nein to 4-3-9!”  Nein is German for no… so we say, "Nein!" to 439.

Friends, this is a cataclysmic issue for our time.  Register and vote.  Lives are hanging in the balance.  Women’s health is hanging in the balance.  Let’s do our part.  We are FOR 4-3-4.

Pastor Steve

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