Kids First Confidential Student Assistant Screening Form

Kids First Confidential Student Assistant Screening

This application is to be completed by all student applicants, ages 13 to 17, who will serve as assistants in any of LifeSpring Church's children's ministries.

Fields with an  *  are required.

The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.  Should my application be accepted, I agree to be bound by the bylaws and policies of LifeSpring Church and to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of the church.  I acknowledge that I have received, read, and understood LifeSpring Church's Kids First Child Protection Policy.


As the parent/guradian of the aforementioned student, I grand my permission for him/her to serve as a children's ministry assistant.  To the best of my knowledge, the information provided above is accurate. I have read a copy of LifeSpring Church's Kids First Child Protection Policy.  I grant my permission for the Children's Ministry Staff and any Volunteer Leader in the Children's Ministry to contact my child through social media, texting, and/or phone for the purpose of coordinating in the ministry to children.

If you do not receive a successful submission message after clicking "Submit," make sure all required fields are filled in.

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