Operation Christmas Child

November 17th is Dedication Sunday!

Pack a Shoebox Online

Packing a physical shoebox

Join LifeSpring Church in making physical shoeboxes by going to the church lobby on Sunday mornings or during office hours to buy a shoebox ($1 for paper shoebox, $2 for plastic shoebox) and get packing instructions.

All physical shoeboxes will be dedicated during our Sunday services on November 17th.

Packing a shoebox online

Pack a shoebox online anytime until Sunday, November 17th.  Click on the button below to get started!

Pack a Shoebox Online

Why $10?

A $10 donation to Operation Christmas Child allows your prayerfully packed shoebox to reach a child in need overseas with the Good News of Jesus Christ.  The donation covers shoebox collection, processing, shipping, and Gospel materials.  It also provides training for ministry partners.

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